7th International Conference on Integrated Natural Disaster Management
The 7th INDM conference will bring together Iranian and international experts in risk and disaster management in Tehran, Iran in February 2016. The conference will cover a broad range of topics - in line with the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 - from the need for an improved understanding of disaster risk in all its dimensions of exposure, vulnerability and hazard characteristics, to the strengthening of disaster risk governance, avoidance of creation of new risks, climate change adaptation, GEO-information, disaster medicine, and socio-economic vulnerability.
The international cross-sectoral conference will focus on four priority areas for action:
- Understanding disaster risk
- Strengthening disaster risk governance to manage disaster risk
- Investing in disaster risk reduction for resilience
- Enhancing disaster preparedness for effective response and to “Build Back Better” in recovery, rehabilitation and reconstruction
Researchers, practitioners, civil society, students and governmental representatives are invited to submit abstracts on their work until 16 January 2016.
- Four risk-based priorities with in the Sendai operational framework (2030-2015)
- Implementation Sendai operational framework for risk reduction strategies in the next 15 years
- Risk management from ideas to action with an emphasis on earthquakes, floods, storms and extreme heat and cold (in the neighbourhood, community, town to metropolis)
- Risk management in massive religious structures, historical and cultural heritage
- The role of interaction and communication of risk in controlling the consequences of natural hazards
- The role of urban and national exercises in preparedness and response to natural and man-made disasters
- The use of new technologies (remote sensing, monitoring and warning systems, innovations and inventions)
- Comprehensive national strategy for risk and crisis management
- Comprehensive national climate-change strategy
- Health management in crisis with the aim of reducing amputations
- Mental health management of survivors with an emphasis on children and gender
- Risk management and crisis management in health with emphasis on the epidemics
- Population management to preventing people being killed in specific ceremonies
- Studying the start point of panic -the theory and models of congestion behaviour, chaos-based models, creating trace-ability for the injured and corpses.