Operational framework for strengthening human, animal and environmental public health systems at their interface
This Operational Framework provides a practical reference toward achieving the aim of public health systems resilience and preparedness at the human-animal-environment interface, with the following key objectives:
- Provide operational guidance to directly address the need for targeted investments that prevent, prepare, detect, respond to and recover from issues like diseases with endemic, emerging and pandemic potential, including antimicrobial resistance;
- Showcase opportunities for targeting disease threats upstream (prevention at the source, or via early detection and effective response) to help reduce the frequency and impact of emergencies the system has to react to;
- Jointly yield long-term gains (and consider trade-offs) in human health, animal production and environmental management, ultimately improving overall health of the planet and the lives, livelihoods and well-being of people;
- Outline activities and interventions with a starting point at the human-animal-environment interface, highlight proposed methods of institutional and technical implementation, and enable mechanisms of coordination and partnership to build more collaborative public health systems.
In its entirety, the Operational Framework provides a strong orientation to One Health to assist users in understanding and implementing it, from rationale to concrete guidance for its application. Six core chapters are included, supported by annexes diving deeper into operational tools and recent World Bank alignment with One Health topics, and a glossary that explains key terms, including interpretations specific to the Operational Framework.