National policies, plans and risk and governance profile(s)

Documents and publications

In Spanish:

El material presentado trata un tema en particular: los sistemas de alerta temprana; y a “cómo y de qué manera se viene haciendo ello” en la región caribeña. El libro pretende contribuir desde la práctica misma al conjunto de iniciativas y

Documents and publications

This document invites Member States to assign priority to keeping hospitals functioning in the aftermath of major catastrophes. It also makes the case for ensuring that reducing the functional vulnerability of hospitals be designated a benchmark or

Documents and publications

Strengthening cooperation in public health is critical to providing a better response to countries’ needs and promoting Health for All, tackling the unfinished agenda, protecting achievements, and facing new challenges. PAHO has turned this priority into

Documents and publications

Esta publicación presenta un breve análisis de las características de la región andina, su vulnerabilidad al cambio climático y los posibles efectos económicos que este conllevaría. Es un primer análisis realizado con el propósito de motivar una

Documents and publications

This report analyses disaster risks for South Eastern Europe at both the country and sub-regional levels, emphasizing transboundary disaster risks and their effects. Risk assessments for all the member countries have been prepared, and country-level and

Documents and publications

Hurricane Katrina dominated news headlines around the world in 2005, but, as the report documents, other hurricanes and extreme events in the region have gone largely unreported. The report confirms that largely regular and predictable temperature and

Documents and publications

In Spanish:

Esta publicación se edita en el marco del Programa PREANDINO, creado por la CAF con el objetivo central de apoyar a Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Perú y Venezuela en la formulación de políticas nacionales, sectoriales y territoriales de

Documents and publications

The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change secretariat has produced this book to highlight the concerns and needs of developing countries in adapting to the effects of climate change.
It outlines the impact of climate change in four

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Thai people making sandbags to prevent flooding during the monsoon season in Bangkok, Thailand
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