National policies, plans and risk and governance profile(s)

Documents and publications
The preparation of this National Progress Report has been undertaken within the framework of the biennial 2011-13 HFA Monitoring and Progress Review process, facilitated by UNISDR and the ISDR partnership.
Policies and plans

Working together in Europe and the Mediterranean for the prevention of disasters, preparedness and response:

The objective of this plan is to provide a political and technical instrument containing priorities and guidelines for the action of the European

Documents and publications

Report for the period 2009-2011:

The main objective of this report is to identify key trends in terms of progress made and challenges faced, at both national and regional levels, through the implementation of the Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA) in

Documents and publications

The document serves the purpose of providing up to date information relating to National Platforms for Disaster Risk Reduction within the UNISDR Europe Region. To date 27 NPs have been officially nominated in UNISDR Europe Region. (Last updated 11

Documents and publications
The preparation of this National Progress Report has been undertaken within the framework of the biennial 2009-11 HFA Monitoring and Progress Review process, facilitated by UNISDR and ISDR System partners.
Documents and publications

Resolution 2010-1:

This resolution commits European and Mediterranean States to continue promoting disaster risk reduction – including prevention, preparedness and efficient response to emergencies - as a political priority at all levels of government

Documents and publications

Resolution 2010-2:

This resolution recognises the value of applying best ethical principles in disaster risk reduction, in improving the resilience of societies and in responding efficiently to emergencies.

The resolution was adopted at the 12th

Documents and publications

En matière des risques naturelles seules le risques sismique est notable à Monaco, la Principauté se trouvant dans une region alpine de sismicité moyenne. Il en a résulté certains dispositions réglementaire, telle que l'étabilissement d'une législation

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IRP resources on Monaco
The International Recovery Platform strengthens knowledge and information on building back better in recovery, rehabilitation, and reconstruction.

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Thai people making sandbags to prevent flooding during the monsoon season in Bangkok, Thailand
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