Korea, Rep of

National policies, plans and risk and governance profile(s)

Documents and publications
This study aimed to investigate the status of disaster risk reduction for coastal communities in South Korea by looking at government practices and testimonies from residents.
Documents and publications
The study analysed existing flood control projects across Asia, focusing on their contributions to regional flood resilience. The researchers examined flood resilience indicators used and evaluated their strengths and limitations.
Documents and publications
This study comprehensively analyzed the integration of disaster management strategies and urban master planning in Cheongju, employing the 10 core essential elements of the Making Cities Resilient 2030 (MCR 2030) framework as a benchmark.
Documents and publications
In this study of flood risk management in Seoul, South Korea, the authors examined challenges and opportunities for citizens to participate in flood risk governance, through documents, interviews, and surveys.
Documents and publications
This submission serves as the first Adaptation Communication from the ROK, tracking sustained efforts and actions towards adaptation, as required by Article 7, Paragraphs 10 and 11 of the Paris Agreement and Decision 9/CMA.1.
Cover for 2024 Trilateral Best Practices Report
Documents and publications
This report brings together best practices in earthquake risk reduction from China, Japan and the Republic of Korea, as well as Mongolia, which were shared in a regional online workshop organized by TCS and UNDRR.
Documents and publications
This study quantified the reduction in flood damage through the implementation of adaptation policies using the nonlinear flood damage function.
Cover and source: Government of the Republic of Korea
Policies and plans
Developed in 2010 jointly by 13 government departments, Korea 's national climate change adaptation plan envisions the establishment of a safe society and support for green growth through climate change adaptation.

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IRP resources on Korea, Rep of
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