6th International Geo-Hazards Research Symposium (IGRS) 2018
Scope and objectives
Hazards – only few news reports in radio, TV or World Wide Web end without messages describing serious incidents in nature or centres of civilization, often with significant numbers of casualties. The wide scope of hazards ranges from earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and tsunamis up to accidents in nuclear power stations and chemical industry, as well as criminal activities and terrorist attacks with dangerous chemical or radioactive materials.
In spite of the fact that all these occurrences have different causes and require adequate methods of detection, the techniques for managing the necessary activities to treat immediate and ripple effects are typically similar.
The main aim of the conference is to bring together experts working in science, organizations and authorities dealing with topics from detection / prevention to managing the effects and consequences of incidents. A unified plan to address multitudinous problems is desirable. The organizers want to stimulate mutual contacts and the exchange of knowledge to understand and improve detection and management of natural and man-made hazards.
The 6th International Geo-hazards Research Symposium shall provide an international platform where experiences on
- detection methods for natural and man-made hazards
- hazard management including prediction, prevention and disaster handling
will be presented to demonstrate the strengths and weaknesses as well as anticipated challenges of methods and techniques.
Tentative topics are
- Detection methods
- Instrumentation
- Sensors on different platforms
- Monitoring of natural and man-made risks
- Unified solutions / command control systems
- Forewarning
- Post-incident management
- Psychological effects
Invited speakers will give stimulating lectures in the beginning of each thematic session, followed by oral presentations and posters. Parallel sessions should be limited to detection methods only because of the very different types of hazards to be considered. Due to short duration of the conference, the number of oral presentations will have to be limited. Nevertheless, there will be ample space for posters to be presented during poster sessions; authors will be requested to attend to their posters during specified time intervals for questioning. The 2018 meeting of the International Geo-Hazards Research Society (IGRS) will take place within the time frame of the conference.