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Climate-resilient water management approaches: Application towards climate action and the 2030 Agenda

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As our climate changes, droughts, floods, melting glaciers, sea-level rise and storms intensify or alter, often with severe consequences to human lives and the economy. In order to ensure water security for humans and the environment while simultaneously meeting the world’s ambitious climate and development goals, decision makers and regulators will need to adopt a new paradigm for resilient water management that embraces the uncertain future ahead.

This is the focus of a three-day conference, organized on 26-28 October 2021 just ahead of the next UN Climate Change Conference (COP26), to raise awareness and build capacity around new approaches to assessing and addressing Climate-Resilient Water Management Approaches, including their vast potential within global climate policy and sustainable development agendas. It will combine expert panels and high-level policy discussions to provide concrete inputs to COP26, and for the implementation of the next phase of UNESCO’s Intergovernmental Hydrological Programme (IHP-IX, 2022-2029) focused on “Science for a water secure world in a changing environment”.


from Tuesday 26 October, 2021, 13:00
to Thursday 28 October, 2021, 16:00


Tuesday 26 October 2021

Day 1 26 October 2021


(10 min)

Welcome and Opening Remarks: The Role of Water in Sustainable Development

Ms. Shamila Nair-Bedouelle, Assistant Director-General for Natural Sciences, UNESCO

Mr. Johan Hanssens, Sec-General Flanders Department of Economy, Science and Innovation

Session moderated by Mr. Abou Amani, Director of the Division of Water Sciences, UNESCO


(10 min)

Special opening remark: Water and Disaster Risk Reduction

Mr. Han Seung-Soo, Former Prime Minister of the Republic of Korea and Chair of the High-level Experts and Leaders Panel on Water and Disasters, HELP


(30 min)

Keynote: Water as Climate connector

Mr. Taikan Oki, Vice-rector of UNU, Tokyo

Mr. John Matthews, Executive Director, AGWA


(85 min)

High level Science Policy Panel: Bottom-Up vs. Top-Down: Contrasting Paradigms for Addressing Climate Change

  • Mr. Sulton Rahimzoda, Chair of the Executive Committee, International Fund for saving the Aral Sea (EC IFAS), and Co-Chair of the International Advisory Committee for the Dushanbe Water Process to promote the implementation of the International Decade for Action, 2018-2028;
  • Mr. Henk Ovink, Special Envoy for International Water Affairs, the Netherlands;
  • Ms. Blanca Jiménez Cisneros, Ambassador of Mexico in the French Republic;
  • Ms. Sarah Connors, Head of Science Team, IPCC WG1 Technical Support Unit, IPCC;
  • Mr. Abdoulaye Sene, Co-president of the International Steering Committee for the 9th World Water Forum; 
  • Mr. Aubyn Hill, Minister for Economic Growth and Job Creation, Jamaica

Session moderated by Ms. Shamila Nair-Bedouelle, ADG for Natural Sciences, UNESCO


(10 min)

Launching of the policy brief “Planning Water Resilience from the bottom up to meet Climate and Development Goals” and closing

Mr. Anil Mishra, Chief of Hydrological Systems and Water Scarcity Section, UNESCO 

Mr. John Matthews, Executive Director, AGWA


Wednesday 27 October 2021

Day 2 27 October 2021


(5 min)

Opening Remarks: Bottom-up approaches to Climate Adaptation

Mr. Anil Mishra, Chief of Hydrological Systems and Water Scarcity Section, UNESCO


(45 min)

Panel 1, “Incorporating climate risks into decision making through bottom-up approaches”

Mr. Casey Brown, University of Massachusetts-Amherst, USA

Mr. Alexis Dufour, San Francisco Public Utilities Commission, USA

Mr. Marc Tkach, Millennium Challenge Corporation, Zambia

Mr. Chipili Chikamba, Millennium Project Completion Agency-Zambia

Mr. Koen Verbist, UNESCO

Session moderated by Mr. William Logan, Director, ICIWaRM


(15 min)

15 mins break


(45 min)

Panel 2, “Facing uncertainty in hydroclimatic extremes: flood and drought management under climate change scenarios”

Mr. Mojtaba Shafiei, East Water and Environmental Research Institute (EWERI), Iran 

Ms. Shuchi Vora, Global Resilience Partnership and SouthSouthNorth, India

Ms. Pooja Prasad, IHE Delft Institute for Water Education, Netherlands

Mr. José Luis Gutierrez Ossio, PROCUENCA GIZ, Bolivia

Session moderated by Mr. Ad Jeuken, Advisor at Climate Change Adaptation and Water Management, Deltares


(45 min)

Panel 3, “Water as a climate connector: water-food-energy nexus”

Mr. Divas Basnyat, Nepal Development Research Institute (NDRI), Nepal

Ms. Kelsey Harpham, International Centre for Environmental Management (ICEM), USA

Mr. Saverio Krätli, International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED) and BRECcIA

Programme of the University of Southampton

Ms. Fiona Ngarachu, Kenyatta University and BRECcIA Programme of the University of Southampton

Mr. Julien Harou, University of Manchester, UK 

Session moderated by Ms. Kari Davis, Technical Director, AGWA


(5 min)

Closing remarks and connecting threads through case studies

Mr. Ad Jeuken, Advisor at Climate Change Adaptation and Water Management, Deltares


Thursday 28 October 2021

Day 3 28 October 2021


(5 min)

Opening remarks and recap of Days 1-2

Mr. Anil Mishra, Chief of Hydrological Systems and Water Scarcity Section, UNESCO


(50 min)

Priorities and ambitions for COP26 and beyond: Aligning climate policy and finance policies

Mr. Diego Rodriguez, Lead Water Economist for Eastern and Southern Africa, The World Bank

Mr. Geoff Wilson, Senior Water Resources Specialist, Asian Development Bank


(15 min)

15 mins break


(50 min)

Institutionalizing solutions: Stakeholder buy-in and capacity building

Mr. Jigme, secretariat, UNFCCC

Mr. Koen Verbist, UNESCO

Ms. Krista Decat, Comission on Integrated Water Policy, Government of Flanders


(20 min)

Participant Involvement - Advancing the Discussion to COP26 including contribution to 2030 Development Agenda

Pre-recorded messages (TBC)


(15 min)

Closing remarks and a Call to Action

Mr. Abou Amani, Director of the Division of Water Sciences, UNESCO

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