Communication and technology in preparedness: An Introduction to tools and approaches
This practical, interactive workshop will provide participants with an opportunity to test a variety of communication preparedness tools, as well as gain an understanding of some of the specific opportunities and challenges presented by different media and technology platforms used to support two-way communication with affected populations.
Anita Shah, Miranda Eeles, and Robert Powell, infoasaid:
Colleagues from infoasaid will present a suite of preparedness tools followed by a practical ‘challenge’, during which participants will have an opportunity to engage with and use the different tools.
Mike Adams, FIRST Response Radio:
Mike Adams, the Radio Unit Coordinator of FIRST Response, will introduce a tool called ‘Information Matrix’ and will provide participants with an opportunity to set up a demonstration radio station during the workshop.
Robin Burton, Consultant in Mobile Operator Relations, IFRC:
Mobile operators are in business to make money, and this presentation will consider the challenges that humanitarian organisations face when working with them. It will do this through the lens of the IFRC’s TERA system, which is implemented in advance of any disaster taking place and has an important role to play in disaster preparedness.
Timothy Large, Editor in Chief, Thomson Reuters Foundation News Services
There will be opportunity for Q&A as part of this event. If participants wish to continue their conversation the speakers will be available to have lunch in Canary Wharf with interested colleagues.