Expert chats at Climate 2010/ Klima 2010 online conference
As part of the Climate 2010/ Klima 2010 event a number of expert chats will be hosted. On Thursday, the 4th of November these chats will be the following:
1. “Q+A: Towards water security and climate resilience in support of national development"
Facilitated by: Mike Muller, Global Water Facility (GWP) Technical Comittee member
Description: Water resource management is all about dealing with climate variability and risk and, in many circles, human induced climate change is considered to be just an extension of “business as usual”. However, if predictions of the trajectory and effects of climate change are correct, then many of the most serious impacts will be transmitted through the medium of water: - as examples, consider drought, flood, sea level rise, health impacts (water borne vectors), all aggravating food insecurity and urban vulnerability. Yet, despite all the attention given to climate change, relatively little effort is being made to ensure that countries and communities are water secure or that water managers have the tools and resources necessary to achieve this. Tackling these challenges requires that there should be close engagement at all levels between water managers and other economic and social sectors.
This session addresses ways how to promote systems of planning and coordination to ensure that water constraints are understood, that water management priorities are supported and that the role of the water sector in achieving sustainable development paths and building resilient societies is recognised. In this respect, it will showcase some concrete technical approaches and pilot project from Mexico concerning adaptive water management.
2. “Q+A: Building the Resilience of Nations and Communities to Disasters - the UN ISDR 2010-2011 World Disaster Reduction Campaign, with best practices in water management from Mexico"
Facilitated by: Dr. Reinhard Marth, Comisión Nacional del Agua (CONAGUA), Centre for International Migration and Development (CIM) and John Harding, Head UNISDR Policy Unit, UN International Strategy for Disaster Reduction
Description: This session will address the theme how supra-national bodies such as the UN can foster the sustainable management of water resources in times of climate change and related disasters. Moreover, it will discuss some concrete technical approaches from Mexico (see further info below) by means of illustrative pilot projects concerning adaptive water management.
Participants are invited to join the chats during the online Q+A sessions and send in questions to the expert round. Details at: