Training event

Japanese case studies on creative approaches to strengthening societal resilience

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Live online Courses for CityNet members to share creative methods of solving social issues through the introduction of specific examples, particularly for strengthening resilience* of the society as a whole.


Session I - Developing creative disaster prevention education material | Wednesday, 22 June 16:00 -18:00 Japan Time

Sharing the process of learning about developing disaster prevention education programs which are enjoyable and replicable and are being practiced around the world. The process is applicable to developing contents for other urban issues including the SDGs and Climate Change.

Session II - Enhancing resilience with private sector | Wednesday, 27 July 16:00 -18:00 Japan Time 

Introducing examples of collaboration with the private sector in addressing corporate as well as societal approach to building resilience. This seminar will showcase how private sector can take the ownership of the programs and sustain it to benefit their employees and community clients thereby generating trust, reliability and setting corporate social responsibility.

Session III - Creative approaches to address urban social issues | Wednesday, 31 August 16:00 -18:00 Japan Time 

Introduction of using creative approach methods in various urban societal issues other than disaster prevention such as creative and continuing education for the senior citizens, children, community regeneration, etc. for the inclusion of whole of society as an integrated development of network and its users.


Live Online Course: Japanese case study of creative approaches toward strengthening society resilience 0.3 MB, PDF, English

Document links last validated on: 8 June 2022

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