In person
Qatar national convention center Hall 5, Side event room 4


According to the UN Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction in 20111, over 80% of economic losses are due to weather-­‐related disasters. Climate change is altering the face of disaster risk, not only through rises in sea-­‐level and temperatures, but also through increased socio-­‐economic vulnerability resulting from water stresses, impacts on agriculture, ecosystems, and health. Climate related hazards, like droughts and floods, will increase in frequency, intensity, spatial extent and duration as a result of changing climate, according to the IPCC’s Fourth Assessment Report and IPCC Special Report Managing the Risk of Extreme Events and Disasters to Advance Climate Change Adaptation2. The Special Report makes clear that the severity of extreme weather and climate events depend strongly on the level of vulnerability and exposure to these events.

In that context, disaster risk reduction and climate change mitigation and adaptation share a common objective: building the resilience of communities to climate change and natural disasters and achieving sustainable development. Internationally, there is a growing recognition that climate change adaptation is predicated on efforts to reduce disaster risks.


Disasters and extreme events affect all aspects of human development. With climate change, disaster risk is set to increase and become a serious obstacle to development. This side event will host a dialogue on why reducing vulnerability and managing disaster risks is essential for adaptation by drawing on facts and findings of the IPCC Special Report on Extreme Events and identify policy options for decision makers. The event will discuss drought risks in particular and illustrate drought risk management practices and approaches. Holistic approaches to resilient development enable governments to leverage the knowledge, skills and technologies of disaster risk reduction in ways that both reduce losses and promote sustainable growth in a changing climate.

Session outline:

15.00 – 15.10 -­‐ Opening and introduction

Dr. Carlo Scaramella, WFP Coordinator of Climate Change, Environment and Disaster Risk Reduction

15.10 – 15.20 – Scene setting remarks

Dr Jean-­‐Pascal van Ypersele, vice chair of IPCC: Extreme events, reducing risks and policy options for the future (tbc)

15.20 – 16.00 – Panel discussion with questions from moderator

Mr Ragy Saro, United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR)
Mrs. Anjum Assad Amin, Pakistan National Disaster Management Authority, Prime Minister's Secretariat
Dr Wadid Erian, Arab Centre for the Studies of Arid Zones and Dry Lands (ACSAD)
Dr. Sergio Zelaya, Coordinator Policy for Advocacy & Global Issues Unit, UNCCD Secretariat

16.00 – 16.20 -­‐ Open discussion with audience

16.20 – 16.30 -­‐ Final questions and wrap up

1 The UN Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction is a biennial report of the United Nations coordinated and produced by the UNISDR. More information on
2 The IPCC produced in 2012 this special report on extreme events “SREX” highlighting interlinkages between climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction. Its available on:


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Document links last validated on: 18 December 2019

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