Space for sustainable development- at Rio +20
This side-event is being organised by the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA) together with the Governments of Austria and Brazil. The focus will be on space and its contributions that would lead to a convergence on the use of space based technologies for sustainable development and assist in identifying the next actions that would embrace Rio+20 outcomes. The event will consist of contributions from invited panellists, and will cover the areas of food, water, oceans and disasters as well as geospatial information.
Chair: Dr. Yasuchi Horikawa (Japan), Chairman of COPUOS 2012-201
Moderator: Dr. Ade Abioudun (Nigeria)
Opening statement: H.E. Mr. Marco Raupp - Minister for Science, Technology and Innovation of Brazil
Panellists: Amb. Walther Lichem (Austria) - Dr. Carlos Nobre (Brazil) – Dr. Stephen Briggs (European Space Agency - ESA) - Mr. Paul Larsen (World Food Programme - WFP) – Dr. Mario Lanfri (Argentina)
Venue: P3-E, RioCentro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil