Official Opening and Organization of the Session

  • Date & Time: Tuesday 16 June (09:30 - 11:00)
  • Room: 1
  • Interpretation: Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish


Opening Statements:

• Mr. John Holmes, Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Chair of the Second Session, Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction
• Mr. Anote Tong, President of Kiribati
• Ms. Issatou Njie Saidy, Vice President, Head of Disaster Management Programme, Gambia
• Mr. Rafael Alburquerque, Vice-President, Dominican Republic
• Mr. Raila Odinga, Prime Minister, Kenya
• Ms. Libertina Amathila, Deputy Prime Minister, Namibia
• Mr. Bruce Golding, Prime Minister, Jamaica
• Mr. Liew Vui Keong, Deputy Prime Minister, Malaysia
• Mr. Jose Luis Guteres, First Vice Prime Minister, DR Timor-Leste
• Mr. Muhammed Abdur Razzaque, Minister, Ministry of Food and Disaster Management, Bangladesh
• Ms. Loren Legarda, Senator, Philippines

Adoption of the Agenda:

The Chair will introduce the Second Session's agenda and seek participant endorsement.

Introduction of the timetable and session documents.


Mr. John Holmes, Under Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Chair of the Second Session, Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction

Keynote speech:

Mr. Ban Ki-moon, United Nations Secretary-General (tbc)

Welcoming remarks:

Mr. Hans-Rudolf Merz, President of the Swiss Confederation


Note: this is an interim report pending publication of the Conference Proceedings from the 2009 Global Platform.

> Report from Opening statements [PDF, 122.33 Kb]

Last updated: 04 December 2020