European Forum for Disaster Risk Reduction (EFDRR)

Date & Time:
Monday 20 May (16:00-18:00)

Room 7+8


UNISDR Europe, EFDRR Chair (Norway) and EFDRR Co-Chair (Spain)

Focal Point:
Stefanie Dannenmann-Di Palma
contact: [email protected]


The European Forum for Disaster Risk Reduction (EFDRR) serves as a forum to stimulate and facilitate the exchange of information and knowledge among participating government HFA Focal Points and national platforms for DRR with regional and sub-regional partners in Europe Regions.
It provides advocacy for effective action to reduce disasters, by contributing to the implementation of the Hyogo Framework for Action 2005-2015 : Building the resilience of nations and communities to disasters (HFA), in particular by promoting and supporting the creation of new national platforms for DRR. The EFDRR also facilitates exchanges among European nations on the implementation of the HFA, for expanding the political space devoted to the issue and promoting innovative ideas in the field of DRR.

The consultative event is a direct follow-up on the 3rd Annual Meeting where EFDRR members have expressed the need to be briefed on the EFDRR working group developments and discussions on a post-2015 framework for disaster risk reduction in Europe. Its objectives are to feature the Sweden national consultation on a post-2015 framework for disaster risk reduction as an example, to present the Hyogo Framework for Action Europe Report 2011-2013,provide an update on the Working Group on Climate Change and Adaptation and on the Working Group on Local Level Implementation of the HFA. It will also feature how to develop a national fully funded strategy on the example of the Turkish Strategy on Earthquake, inform how Europe is represented at the Global Platform 2013 and discuss inputs into the Outcome document.

Expected Outcomes

• Launch of the Hyogo Framework for Action Europe Report 2011-2013
• Briefing on the EFDRR working groups activities and how those are linked to the post-2015 framework for disaster risk reduction discussions
• Discussions on how EFDRR members could contribute to develop “Guidance on National Strategies for Disaster Risk Reduction for Europe”


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