Scientific and Technical Platforms / Networks: Achievements and future goals

Date & Time:
Monday 20 May (08:30-14:30)

Room 14


UNISDR Scientific and Technical Advisory Group (STAG)

Focal Point:
Walter Ammann
Global Risk Forum (GRF)
contact: [email protected]


The implementation of the HFA led to the creation of no less than 34 thematic platforms and networks. This consultation will offer an opportunity to take stock of the work of these networks; discuss working models and access value added. The networks are segregated into two categories:
(i) the more science and technology focused risk and hazard networks (ii) implementation oriented networks with coordination efforts

The networks with scientific and technological basis revolve around risks and disasters caused by natural hazards with an emphasis on application of science. The networks with a coordination function revolve around key areas of disaster risk reduction. This consultation focuses on platforms and networks with a more scientific and technical orientation but, also invites other institutions who have shown interest in this area of work.

The sessions objectives are:
• Stock-taking of thematic platforms and networks based on their presentation of their past achievements
• Discuss networks' future role, in particular in view of their potential contributions to a post-2015 framework for DRR process.
• Discuss how collaborative networks can proactively help generate knowledge and goof practice.
• Consult on the possibilities of establishment of UNISDR collaborating centres on science as a multi-disciplinary approach to DRR

The outcome of the consultation event will serve a preparation and directly feed into the Featured event, ``Applying Science to Practice in Disaster Risk Reduction``.

Expected Outcomes

• Overview of achievements of the networks/ thematic platforms, regarding quality and ideas for contributing to a post-2015 framework for disaster risk reduction.
• Overview of potential synergies, overlaps, potential concentration of platforms.
• Overview of gaps for a post-2015 framework for disaster risk reduction, with the objective of evidence-based DRR.
• Recommendations on the possibility of UNISDR collaborating centres

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