Legislators and Governance for Disaster Risk Reduction Consultation - Parliamentarians

Date & Time:
Monday 20 May (10:00-12:30)



United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR)

Focal Point:
Feng Min Kan
United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction(UNISDR)
contact: [email protected]


Growing risk will inevitably increase the impacts of disasters, killing more and more people and shaking the social, economic and environmental pillars of sustainable development. In Kenya and Uganda, recent disasters contributed to rioting; recent disasters in Japan have increased resentment of the political leadership at the time. In the most fragile states, most famously Somalia, drought can be an inextricable part of a more complex emergency ‒ mixing together failed governance and civil conflict with extreme poverty and thus extreme vulnerability of the poor. Effective governance for disaster risk reduction is essential for building resilience of the social, economic and environmental pillars of sustainable development.

The consultative meeting on legislators and governance for disaster risk reduction aims to contribute to the on-going discussion on governance for disaster risk reduction in the context of consultations towards a post-2015 framework for disaster risk reduction and the Post-2015 Development Agenda.

More specifically, the session will:
 Exchange information and knowledge on governance for disaster risk reduction
 Identify the challenges encountered for risk reduction and resilience-building
 Identify key elements/drivers for enhancing governance for DRR at national level
 Identify key national mechanisms and institutions that are crucial for building resilience to disaster risks
 Identify the roles and responsibilities of parliamentarians for enhancing national governance for disaster risk reduction.

Expected Outcomes

 Increased understanding and knowledge of parliamentarians on governance for DRR.

 Increased understanding and knowledge on the roles and responsibilities of parliamentarians for enhancing governance for DRR

 A set of action points of parliamentarians to promote and enhance governance for disaster risk reduction.


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