The Role of Disaster Prone Countries in Prevention and Preparedness (Poland, Germany, UNDP)

Date & Time:
Monday 20 May (14:00-17:00)



Government of Germany, Government of Poland & the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

Focal Point:
Achim Troester
Government of Germany
contact: [email protected]

Alfred Plei
contact: [email protected]


Some highly disaster-prone countries have successfully combined disaster prevention and preparedness to reduce disaster losses. The Mid Term Review of the HFA (2011) showed that while governments had achieved relative success in implementing HFA priority five on preparedness, a number of challenges remained, including that contingency plans in many countries lacked recovery and rehabilitation elements and that financial allocations for managing response (especially at the local level) remained uneven across countries.

The Governments of Germany and Poland organized a series of meetings on preparedness to identify challenges and opportunities for a coherent approach to emergency preparedness. The Initiative gathers representatives from disaster prone countries and GHD/ODSG members, UN and other international organizations and NGOs engaged in preparedness to elaborate a set of principles on preparedness, based on the best practices collected so far.

This Consultative Event, organized with UNDP to take advantage of UNDP’s presence and disaster reduction programmes in over 60 disaster prone countries, offers the international community an opportunity to learn from countries which have had significant success with preventing and preparing for natural hazard-related disaster losses. Representatives from disaster-prone countries will share experiences, results, challenges and lessons learned to identify the support they need and help others build on their success.

Expected Outcomes

- Lessons to inform how the international community can come together to comprehensively support disaster prevention, preparedness and reduced losses in high-risk countries
- Multi-stakeholder discussion on specific roles in preparedness, focusing on disaster prone countries
- Input to the elaboration of a set of principles and recommendations on preparedness for relevant group of stakeholders (disaster prone countries, donors, international organisations, NGOs)
- Elaboration of concrete recommendations and principles on strengthening prevention and preparedness in disaster prone countries, building on actual experiences and lessons learnt


Annotated Agenda

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