Post-2015 Framework for DRR Consultation - National Platforms

Date & Time:
Monday 20 May (10:00-13:00)

Room 18


United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR)

Focal Point:
Christel Rose
United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR)
contact: [email protected]



10:00-10:05 Opening remarks, by Elizabeth Longworth, Director, UNISDR

10:05-10:40 Assessing the Capacity of National Platforms in Disaster Risk Reduction - A Global Review Process

• Description of the National Platforms Review process, by Janet Edwards, Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency, MSB (10mins)

• Presentation of the National Platforms Review Report and Outcomes, by Axel Rottländer, German Committee for Disaster Risk Reduction (10mins)

Feedback session from National Platforms (15mins)

10:40-10:55 Keynote speech: National Platforms Working at all Levels by Helena Lindberg, Director General, Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency, MSB

10:55-11:15 National Platforms and the Private Sector

• Briefing from the 2013 Global Assessment Report, by Andrew Maskrey, UNISDR (tbc) (10mins)

• National Platform’s cooperation with the private sector and communities-The case of Indonesia - Joint presentation by Faisal Djallal, Advisory member of PLANAS, and Avianto Muhtadir, Head, Indonesian National Platform (10mins)

11:15-12:20 Selected National Platforms success stories and good practices

• HFA Peer review process, by Steven Barnes, UK National Platform, Cabinet Office (10mns)

• Digital Platform, by France (10mins)

• Successes and challenges in setting up a National Platform:

- Mr. A.K. Mangotra, Secretary Boarder Management, Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India (10mins)
- Mr. Jorge Rodriguez, Sub-Director de la Academia Protección Civil, SINAPROC Panamá (10mins)
- Mr. Ahmed Madar, Djibouti (tbc) (10mins)

Open discussion – Empowering National Platforms and promoting their added value at the national level (15mins)

12:20-12:50 National Platforms in a post-2015 Disaster Risk Reduction Framework (HFA2)

• Status of HFA2 process, by UNISDR (10mins)

• National Consultation process on HFA2, by Mette Lindahl-Olsson, Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency, MSB (10mins)

Open discussion on the role of National Platforms and key priorities for national Platforms in HFA2

12:50-12:55 Wrap-up of the discussions and key messages on HFA2, by UNISDR

12:55-13:00 Closing and next steps, by Helena Lindberg, Director General, Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency, MSB



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