Linking local wisdom to global knowledge – disaster perspectives Bangladesh

Farmers’ Voice Bangladesh (Krisoker Sor)

Focal Point:
Md. Zakir Hossain
Farmers' Voice (Krisoker Sor), Bangladesh
[email protected]


As We - the local people are interested to investigate the missing links among development theory, policy formulation process and the actions for creating an effective disaster risk management culture. Thus the presentation will focus on experiential and empirical action research initiatives pertinent to Cyclone Sidr’ 2007 for illustrating how local communities can get involved in the policy mechanism process through investing local effort to bring multifaceted impacts on disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation. Risk reduction and adaptation processes are indivisible part of the survival of the local community. The relationship among local wisdom, practice, innovation and natural surroundings has formed the unique sociology-anthropological fabric blended with ecosystem approach which can be linked to the global knowledge towards an effective risk management.


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