Youth science policy interface publication – Special edition: Disaster risk reduction: a road of opportunities
The Disaster Risk Reduction Edition of the Youth Science-Policy Interface Publication captures and promotes the role of young people in sharing knowledge of evidenceinformed best practices, science and technology, emerging trends, challenges, and solutions in the implementation, monitoring, follow-up, and review of intergovernmentally agreed and allied frameworks on sustainable development – specifically in disaster-related contexts.
This initiative is part of the UN MGCY Youth Science-Policy Interface Platform and coordinated by the UN MGCY. Launched in May 2017, it is meant to feed into the discussions of the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction, specifically around the SPI mandate, in order to showcase the contributions of young scientists, engineers, practitioners, and students in strengthening the science-policy interface, further linking policy and practice for a sustainable society. It seeks to build coherence between the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (2015-2030) and the DRR-dimensions of other intergovernmentally agreed upon sustainable development agendas (e.g. 2030 Agenda, New Urban Agenda, etc.).