Rating the states 2018: an assessment of residential building code and enforcement systems for life safety and property protection in hurricane-prone regions
This is the third Rating the States report produced by IBHS to assess elements of code enforcement and administration and contractor licensing in the 18 states most vulnerable to catastrophic hurricanes along the Atlantic Coast and the Gulf of Mexico. Each state has been assigned a score on a 0–100 point scale. Additionally, this report highlights some recent legislative and regulatory developments—both positive and negative—and includes information about building code programs in the U.S. territories of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands damaged by Hurricanes Maria and Irma.
This report is intended to:
- Focus public attention on the need for effective statewide building codes.
- Underscore the importance of code administration and enforcement.
- Ensure required performance standards are incorporated into construction of residential dwellings.
- Note whether states require licensing of building officials and construction contractors.
- Highlight steps states can take to improve their building code systems, providing better protection for their citizens and communities.