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Cover of magazine
Documents and publications
Know Disasters is an international magazine with an aim to "Making Disasters Everybody's business'. This is fifth issue (May-June 2021) and the theme of current issue is Build Back Resilience in the backdrop of Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction. (SFDRR).
Documents and publications

This article provides a comment on perspectives that persist as part of the disaster and development paradigm, guided by action research findings from Northumbria’s work in this field, in order to assess how to advance the paradigm conceptually in order

Documents and publications

ACT Alliance developed this publication as a contribution to the growing need to understand the dual urgency of increasing the ambition to address climate change in the wake of its devastating impacts and to significantly increase the allocation of

Documents and publications
The Regional Research Strategy presents a work plan for the Digital Belt and Road (DBAR) Initiative to support sustainable development and disaster risk reduction.
Documents and publications

This paper discusses the PEOPLES Resilience Framework, which has been used to create partnerships and communicate pre- and post-disaster recovery of extreme events. The framework can be combined with environmental, infrastructure, economic or any other

Documents and publications

World Conference on Education for Sustainable Development (WCESD), 31 March – 2 April 2009, Bonn:

In this concept note, DKKV and the UNISDR Thematic Platform on Knowledge and Education introduce their reflection on linking education for sustainable

Documents and publications

This paper presents Practical Action's recommendations for action to UNFCCC COP12/MOP2 (Nairobi, 6th-17th November 2006) on: post-2012 emissions reductions; adaptation funding and the 5-year programme of work; and adaptation, sustainable development and

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