Documents and publications

Explore a comprehensive collection of publications, reports, and documents that focus on disaster risk and resilience.

These resources offer insights, best practices, and research aimed at mitigating the impact of disasters. Whether you're seeking the latest research, policy recommendations, or case studies, this library supports knowledge sharing and informed decision-making in building safer, more resilient communities.

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Documents and publications

There is sound evidence that natural disasters can trigger technological disasters (a dynamic also called domino effect), and that these concomitant events (also known as natechs) may pose tremendous risks to countries and communities that are unprepared

Documents and publications

This report was prepared jointly by the Major Accident Hazards Bureau (MAHB) and the office of the Natural and Environmental Disaster Information Exchange System (NEDIES) which are part of the Technological and Economic Risk Management Unit of the

Documents and publications

These Operational Guidelines are addressed to intergovernmental and non-governmental humanitarian actors when they are called upon to become active just before or in the aftermath of a natural disaster. The Operational Guidelines do not list the rights of

Documents and publications

This report provides key issues (not a comprehensive analysis, which is available in much of the literature) of disaster problems in Bangladesh, the history behind the current status of disaster preparedness plans, and gaps in the plans and shortcomings

Documents and publications

The Earthscan Risk in Society Series.

From Hurricane Katrina and the south Asian tsunami to human-induced atrocities, terrorist attacks and the looming effects of climate change, the world is assailed by both natural and unnatural hazards and disasters

Documents and publications

This document is the latest assessment of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). It provides a comprehensive, state-of-the-art and worldwide overview of scientific knowledge related to the mitigation of climate change. It includes a

Documents and publications

4th international conference on earthquake geotechnical engineering-invited lectures.
Series: Geotechnical, Geological, and Earthquake Engineering, vol. 6 

The book provides a comprehensive overview of the progress achieved to date in soil dynamics and

Documents and publications

During the past few decades, economic losses and human casualties due to natural disasters increased exponentially on our planet, mainly because of the increased density of population and industry in high hazard areas. Although the prediction of

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