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Documents and publications
This paper assessed the application of the African indigenous knowledge of and practices for climate change and disaster risk management by African governments in policy formulation and implementation.
Documents and publications
This study presents an overview of the Fund’s experience and lessons learned from addressing climate change adaptation and strengthening long-term resilience to climate change in fragile and conflict-afflicted countries.
A woman is seen while she tills the soil in a garden in Kaya, Centre-Nord region in Burkina Faso
The ISF has signed a grant agreement to support the implementation of a parametric insurance to strengthen the resilience of smallholder farmers against climate change in Burkina Faso.
InsuResilience Solutions Fund
Women irrigate and till the soil in a garden
Research briefs
At the end of March and the beginning of April 2024 a region across the Sahel and West Africa experienced extreme heat, with maximum temperatures in the Sahel reaching more than 45°C.
World Weather Attribution
Documents and publications
Cette étude analyse les lacunes du financement climatique dans l'Union économique et monétaire ouest-africaine, région très exposée aux impacts climatiques, et présente les implications politiques.
Cover and source: World Bank
Documents and publications
This report provides an overview of the state of ASP across six Sahelian countries as well as a set of recommendations for actions to strengthen the adaptiveness and responsiveness of existing systems to shocks.
Documents and publications
This diagnostic report seeks to inform the design and programming of the Centre’s support to the SASPP in its implementation phase; and to function as a resource .
Documents and publications
This snapshot country brief describes the regional approach implemented in Burkina Faso and presents the lessons that have been learned from the pilot phase.

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