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Documents and publications
This study investigated the relationship between water management, settlement, and land-use changes from the Paleolithic to the present day in the Kofu basin alluvial fan, Japan, which has a high flood frequency.
Big blue wave
Research briefs
To protect against unusual tsunamis, advanced countermeasures are required. Understanding the special mechanisms that lead to the concentration of these tsunamis is therefore of utmost importance.
Tokyo Institute of Technology
rescue person looking inside a fallen building
Research briefs
The Earthquake Early Warning (EEW) system sends out notifications to areas expected to experience strong tremors by detecting primary seismic waves (P-waves) that arrive before the secondary waves (S-waves).
Doshisha University
Yosemite National Park in Winter, California-USA
Research briefs
Researchers report that episodes of heavy snowfall and rain likely contributed to a swarm of earthquakes over the past several years in northern Japan. The study is the first to show that climate conditions could initiate some quakes.
MIT News, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Documents and publications
This study explores the relationship between residents’ disaster resilience and potential household food security in the context of natural disasters.
Documents and publications
This report explores real-world applications of resilience and public warning strategies through in-depth case studies focused on the United States, Japan, and the European Union.
Cover and source: Nature Publishing Group
Documents and publications
In this study, the authors calculated thermal environment indices using meteorological data, and analyzed the effects of implementing adaptation measures against the heat at the Osaka-Kansai Expo locations.
River going through the Matsumoto city in Japan
Last November, the prefecture's Rikuzentakata city became the first in Japan to launch a system that automatically calls registered residents simultaneously to monitor their evacuation status in the event of a disaster.
Japan Times Ltd., the

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