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Local government workers and members of the national police distribute relief goods to residents.
Local governments need a combination of strategic policy reforms and capacity building to effectively perform disaster risk reduction and management functions.
Asian Development Bank (ADB)
The Philippine island of Palawan — considered a stable part of the seismically active country — was recently shaken by two earthquakes in two days, highlighting the need to reassess seismic hazards.
Documents and publications
To gain a deeper understanding of the role of CDRFI in the Asia-Pacific region, WFP undertook a study to explore the challenges and opportunities associated with the use of various macro-level instruments to support government disaster response.
Documents and publications
Satellite-detected night lights data are widely used to evaluate economic impacts of disasters. But growing evidence in applied economics suggests that impact estimates are potentially distorted when popular DMSP night lights data are used.
Schools were closed for several days as temperatures soared to over 40 degrees Celsius in April and May. Now they are due to reopen after the holidays in July, rather than August, as authorities rework the education calendar to adapt to extreme weather.
Man rebuilding structure in Tacloban after Typhoon Haiyan
The Manobo indigenous community in the Agusan Marshlands of the Philippines live in floating homes able to withstand floods, rising water levels and typhoons. Their way of life could have answers for how to adapt to climate threats.
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Volunteers support reconstruction work in Macrohon after typhoon Rai
To cost-effectively insure public assets, the Philippines government needs to know their location, value, and age, among other data. The ruinous costs of under- or uninsured public assets prompted policymakers into action.
World Bank, the
Mindanao, the second-largest island in the Philippines, is known for its high seismic activity, having experienced numerous moderate to major earthquakes throughout its history.

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