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Caribbean private sector
Caribbean islands are in a water crisis, and their governments have warned that water scarcity may become the new norm.
Conversation Media Group, the
Cover and source: Global Earthquake Model Foundation
Documents and publications
This seismic risk profile of Saint Kitts and Nevis, produced by the Global Earthquake Model (GEM) Foundation summarizes key metrics of seismic risk, allowing stakeholders in risk management to get an overview of the risk in the country.
Multi-Hazard Early Warning Systems’Capacities in the Caribbean Region
Documents and publications
This study provides an updated assessment of the status of MHEWS for all CDEMA Participating States (PS).
Educational materials
This is a comic for youth and adults to raise awareness on the importance of leaving no one behind in times of COVID-19 during hurricane season. This comic has been designed for the Caribbean, but can be used in other parts of the world.
Documents and publications
This climate risk profile concerns the countries of the Eastern and Souther Caribbean (ESC).
Documents and publications

National disaster management agencies in the Caribbean are overcoming challenges to the implementation of effective emergency preparedness and response systems. The Caribbean region is confronted with an increasing number of devastating storms and extreme

UNICEF's Latin America and Caribbean Regional Office and CDEMA signed a MoU to co-operate on the development of more resilient communities.
United Nations Children's Fund - The Americas and Caribbean Regional Office
A program to provide funds to purchase and install new water harvesting and storage equipment in St. Vincent and the Grenadines has proved successful.
Inter Press Service International Association

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