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Beach area
Accurate sea-level data, combined with an understanding of the depth and shape of coastal terrain, enables more precise modelling of marine hazards.
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
Tuvalu is among nations digitising heritage in the face of climate impacts, but there are concerns around cost, access and control.
This podcast explains how the weather service in Tonga has been including traditional knowledge into forecasts and how that’s been received by the community.
Australian Broadcasting Corporation
High tides, combined with rising sea levels create crashing wave on the coast of Ecuador
The Tuvalu Coastal Adaptation Project (TCAP) continues to roll out training for the use of a coastal hazard modeling tool, to detect and mitigate coastal risks. This software will support efforts to mitigate threats like sea-level rise in the long-term.
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
Boy walks through street in Tuvalu after hurricane Pam 2015
The Australia-Tuvalu Falepili Union treaty is the world’s first bilateral agreement on climate mobility. Under the treaty, Australia will grant permanent residence to up to 280 Tuvaluans facing dangers posed by climate change each year.
Conversation Media Group, the
Volcano in the background of a city
Scientists have little understanding of where magma is stored along the Cascade Volcanic Arc or how its volcanoes could affect population centers.
Eos - AGU
Boy walks through street in Tuvalu after hurricane Pam 2015
A landmark plan to produce raised land that is safe from sea level rise and storm waves beyond 2100 is complete on Tuvalu's capital, Funafuti.
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
Australia will help island state Tuvalu raise funds to protect coasts from rising seas, testing a novel U.N. programme for adaptation.

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