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Next to some of the priciest real estate in the world, the Shinnecock Nation refuses to merely retreat from its vulnerable shoreline.
Vox Media Inc.
Documents and publications
To achieve the vision of a world free of malaria, the U.S. President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI) developed a framework to guide US government approaches and investments in support of greener and more climate-resilient malaria programs.
Documents and publications
In this study, nine different types of essential facilities in the state of Iowa were analyzed on a county level in terms of flood depth, functionality and restoration time after flooding, and damage sustained during flooding.
Journalist Todd Miller talks about the role climate change plays in migration to the U.S.-Mexico border.
Yale Climate Connections
The centre of a hurricane is the focus of its power. But for scientists and early-responders, it can also offer life-saving opportunities.
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Landslides are a common hazard in the US. In fact, nearly 44% of the country could experience one, potentially catastrophically. Our new national landslide susceptibility map shows where they’re most likely to happen.
United States Geological Survey
Warm water in the Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of Mexico can fuel powerful hurricanes, but how destructive a storm becomes isn’t just about the climate and weather – it also depends on the people and property in harm’s way.
Conversation Media Group, the
Research briefs
Getting around on a rainy day often involves dodging puddles – or sloshing through them. But during downpours, shallow pools can quickly become roadway ponds that cripple transportation, threaten safety and undermine emergency response.
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility (JLAB)

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