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Documents and publications
Collecting experiences of humanitarian-development-peace nexus approaches. Case studies in DRC, Somalia, Sudan, South Sudan, Mali, Ethiopia, Burkina Faso, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Uganda, Sahel, Palestine, Afghanistan, Colombia and Iraq.
Documents and publications
This study analyses international financial flows to nine countries for the 18 months after recent crises—drought, flood, cyclone, earthquake, and epidemic.
Documents and publications
This report shares inspiring stories of epidemics that didn’t happen, or whose impact was lessened, because of careful planning and swift strategic action.
Start Network is delighted to announce that Start Ready has officially gone live, protecting people in six countries against predictable climate shocks.
Start Network
This image shows the first page of the publication.
Documents and publications
This study aims to assess future changes in rainfall-induced flash floods and drought regimes in the Congo basin from the present day to 2100, using four selected extreme climatic indices as proxies to these two natural disasters.
Women harvest coffee near Lake Kivu, Rwanda
An innovative contingent finance and response mechanism can safeguard the farmers’ investment contributions and ensure that they have resources available to restart production in case of extreme weather events.
World Bank, the
Funding challenges and security threats are hampering the monitoring of one of the world’s most volatile volcanoes – the Democratic Republic of Congo’s Mount Nyiragongo – even after a May eruption cost dozens of lives.
The New Humanitarian
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Documents and publications
Ce profil donne un aperçu des problèmes liés aux risques climatiques dans trois pays du Programme régional d'Afrique centrale pour l'environnement (CARPE).

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