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Coverpage of "Climate risk country profile: Costa Rica"
Documents and publications
Costa Rica’s climate is characterized by annual patterns. These are periodically affected by fluctuations in the temperature of the surrounding oceans, interaction of the atmospheric circulation with the volcanic mountain, and El Niño/La Niña cycles.
MIND AND I/Shutterstock
Research briefs
A new study led by USGS and Costa Rican researchers demonstrates how Earthquake Early Warning using smartphone technology can be both inexpensive and effective for millions of people.
United States Geological Survey
Documents and publications

La movilidad humana asociada a, o derivada de los desastres y efectos adversos del cambio climático viene recibiendo un interés importante en los últimos años en Centroamérica. Este informe contribuye a un mayor conocimiento de la evidencia sobre la

Documents and publications

This study explores how the two leading approaches in water resources management and ecosystem thinking for climate change adaptation – i.e. Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) and Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) – can be merged to achieve

Documents and publications


La gestión integrada del riesgo de desastres (GIRD), asociada al cambio climático (CC), está estrechamente vinculada con el sector educación. Por su importancia, se analizaron los programas de Ciencias pertenecientes al I y II ciclos del año

Documents and publications

This report documents the assignment, commissioned by the Global Initiative on Disaster Risk Management, to assist countries in Latin American and the Caribbean in organizing their infrastructure in terms of disaster risks. The assignment - part of the

Documents and publications

According to this paper, climate finance is a key resource to help society’s poorest, most marginalised and excluded people deal with the impacts of the triple crisis of climate change, nature’s degradation and poverty.

This paper uses six criteria for

Documents and publications

This report presents the preliminary results of the technical assistance to connect and develop coordination between three sectors in the Central American and Dominican Republic region — Disaster Risk Management, Culture and Cultural Heritage, and

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