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Documents and publications
Disaster displacement and environmental migration are among the most serious humanitarian challenges facing the Caribbean. As a subregion of small island developing States (SIDS) which are vulnerable and prone to extreme weather events and the impacts of climate change
Documents and publications

For decades, social scientists have attempted to reveal the real causes behind disasters. While some scholars have recently focused almost exclusively on people's vulnerabilities, the majority recognize that disasters result from a combination of people's

The Caribbean region is regularly battered by an array of natural hazards, which are becoming more frequent and intense year on year. Cuba makes no exception.
European Commission
UNDP-supported ‘Mi Costa’ project will build climate resilience for over 440,000 Cubans through nature-based approaches.
United Nations Development Programme - Cuba
Documents and publications

Like other Caribbean countries, Cuba has adopted policies to relocate populations and prohibit (re)building in coastal zones at risk of climate change effects. Yet residents do not uniformly see such measures as welfare promoting and risk reducing, and

Compendium of good practice on post disaster recovery in the Latin America and Caribbean Region
Documents and publications
This compendium presents good practices in post-disaster recovery in Latin America and the Caribbean in order to spread and highlight the work and recovery processes taking place in different countries of the region.
Amid programmes that encourage Kiribati's residents to flee from future sea level rise, Cuba is offering medical scholarships to compel them to stay.
Conversation Media Group, the
Muy importante es la preparación de Cuba para prevenir riesgos y mitigar daños en caso de desastres. Esto es el ejercicio que se realiza en semanas previas al inicio de temporada ciclónica.
Inter Press Service International Association

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