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As climate change erodes Iraq's ancient monuments, age-old techniques are helping repair the damage. Climate change raises salt levels around ancient Babylon. Salinity corrodes ruins of humanity's oldest monuments
Continuing drought brings food insecurity and a risk for emerging or ongoing conflict in Kenya, Ethiopia and Somalia, as well as Iraq, Iran and Afghanistan, according to a new quarterly update that analyses finds from a global early warning tool.
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Office - IHE DELFT Institute for Water Education
Sand storm hitting the city of Basra in Iraq, 2022
The Iranian Department of Environment (DOE) will kick off negotiations with Iraq and Syria to launch an action plan for fighting sand and dust storms in the region.
Tehran Times, the
Sand storm hitting the city of Basra in Iraq, 2022
Drought and changing weather patterns feed stronger, longer dust storms, causing damage that costs the region $13 billion a year.
Thomson Reuters Foundation,
IRP Herald 32
Documents and publications
IRP Herald Volume 32 is the knowledge report for IRP-supported sessions at the Regional Platforms for Disaster Risk Reduction in 2021.
A new project designed to accelerate climate action in Iraq has today been launched through a partnership between the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) the Ministry of Environment with funding generously provided by the UK and Canada.
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
Cover of the health and climate change country profile Iraq: aerial view of a hilly green landscape
Documents and publications
This WHO/EMRO UNFCCC health and climate change country profile for Iraq provides a summary of evidence on climate hazards, health vulnerabilities, health impacts and progress to date in health sector efforts to realize a climate-resilient health system.
One person died in Iraq and more than 5,000 were treated in hospitals Thursday for respiratory ailments due to a sandstorm, the seventh in a month, the health ministry said.
France 24

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