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Jordan: Climate-smart agriculture action plan
Documents and publications
Climate-smart agriculture offers Jordan opportunities to adapt to and mitigate the impacts of climate change, while promoting continued growth and job creation.
The inaugural Middle East and North Africa Regional (MENA) Climate Week was held in Dubai from 28-31 March 2022. Mercy Corps held two sessions discussing how to build climate resilience in Jordan.
Flood Resilience Portal
Cover of the report: Woman harvesting grapes
Documents and publications
The MENAdrought project aims to provide tools to anticipate, prepare for and mitigate drought impacts. In Jordan, the team is working with government officials and partner organizations to support the development of robust drought policy for the country.
Cover of the report: tractor pulling a water tank
Documents and publications
This report focuses on MENAdrought and the predecessor MENA-RDMS projects and findings related to the vulnerability assessment in Jordan. It features root causes of drought impacts, vulnerability of regions, economy, communities, and environment.
Together with a loan of EUR 11.3 million and grant of EUR 0.63 million, which was approved by IFAD in June 2020, the additional funding will be used to build on REGEP’s success and extend its completion date until March 2024.
International Fund for Agricultural Development
A Jordanian farmer observes his vegetable garden
Faced with drought threat, the Government of Jordan is strengthening its drought resilience with the support of the USAID-funded IWMI-led MENADrought project, which helps deliver a comprehensive drought adaptation program for Jordan.
International Water Management Institute (IWMI)
Participants at the Innovate4Cities 2021 Conference discussed how cities can build resilient communities while also addressing urbanization, especially as an influx of refugees has placed pressure on government capacity, water, and sanitation.
Flood Resilience Portal
International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction in Jordan
The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Jordan organized a commemoration of the International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction, under the patronage of the National Center for Security and Crises Management, and the participation of the UNDRR Regional Office for Arab States (ROAS), World Food Programme in Jordan, and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation. The commemoration took place along the National Consultation Workshop to update the National Strategy for Disaster Risk Reduction organized and coordinated by UNDRR ROAS.
United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction - Regional Office for Arab States

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