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Documents and publications
Latvia's population and econ­omy are exposed to earth­quakes and floods, with floods posing the greater risk.
Meteoalarm uses simple colour coding and jargon-free explanations to help the public understanding real-time weather risks (Photo: Meteoalarm)
Rolled out in the wake of one of the deadliest storms to strike Europe in decades, the continent-wide weather information service Meteoalarm plays a life-saving role by raising public awareness of how to curb risks, and fosters international cooperation into the bargain.
United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction - Regional Office for Europe & Central Asia
'Although a natural disaster cannot be prevented,', said Zanda Kalniņa-Lukaševica, the Latvian Foreign Ministry’s Parliamentary State Secretary for European Affairs, 'effective international cooperation can facilitate a more rapid and effective response to a disaster, thereby mitigating the consequences...
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Latvia
Documents and publications
This report presents the institutional and legal framework for disaster risk reduction in Latvia, and describes its common disaster risks and natural hazards, such as flood, storm and wild fire.
Documents and publications

In recent years, dramatic river flooding has occurred in several regions of Europe causing numerous casualties and the damage reached unprecedented proportions. The protection of human and capital assets from natural hazards is high in the agenda of the

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