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Policies and plans

This agreement establishes a Co-operation Group between the governments of Cyprus, France, Greece, Italy, Malta, Portugal, the Republic of San Marino, Spain, and Turkey for the prevention of, protection against, and organisation of relief in major natural

Meteoalarm uses simple colour coding and jargon-free explanations to help the public understanding real-time weather risks (Photo: Meteoalarm)
Rolled out in the wake of one of the deadliest storms to strike Europe in decades, the continent-wide weather information service Meteoalarm plays a life-saving role by raising public awareness of how to curb risks, and fosters international cooperation into the bargain.
United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction - Regional Office for Europe & Central Asia
Documents and publications

This report presents the key insights and findings from a Comparative review of the First Aid App funded by the Global Disaster Preparedness Center (GDPC). Results are based on a combination of primary and secondary research focusing in participating

Documents and publications

This report was conducted in fulfillment of Malta's requirement under article 4 of the European Floods Directive which requires all Member States to undertake a Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment (PFRA) for each river basin district, unit of management of

Documents and publications

This joint report presents a cooperative audit based on eight individual national audit reports from Austria, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Russia and Ukraine, and a fact-finding study by the European Court of Auditors. It reveals that

'The reciprocal relationship between environmental degradation and disaster risk has not been given enough attention by governments up until now. Disaster prevention taking 'green solutions' into account should become a fundamental part of international development negotiations', Alliance Director Mucke emphasized...
United Nations University - Institute for Environment and Human Security (UNU-EHS)
Policies and plans

Working together in Europe and the Mediterranean for the prevention of disasters, preparedness and response:

The objective of this plan is to provide a political and technical instrument containing priorities and guidelines for the action of the European

Policies and plans
The Ministry for Resources and Rural Affairs presents this National Strategy for Climate Change and Adaptation following the review of the work submitted to it by the Climate Change Committee appointed in August 2009.

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