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Documents and publications
This handbook focuses on RMI’s disaster management framework and partnerships, and it highlights disaster risk reduction strategies and plans.
Cover and source: United Nations Development Programme
Documents and publications
The Climate Security Risk Assessment Profiles aim to support the select governments and their partners to better prepare for and respond to climate security challenges through informed decision-making.
Cover and source: East-West Center
Documents and publications
This report summarizes a two-part analysis of survey data from 199 households in the RMI about their past migrations and expectations to migrate in the future. The report opens with a summary of the findings, and recommendations for policymakers.
New US$30 million project will improve climate resilience and safety of densely populated urban areas in the country.
World Bank, the
Cover of the IDMC report: people and a dog walking on a tropical coast
Documents and publications
This technical paper presents the initial assessment results of the risk of displacement associated with disasters and climate change in the Marshall Islands.
Documents and publications
Pacific Risk Profile is a snapshot of climate and disaster risk information that is collected from credible open data sources. It is intended to provide DFAT program managers and implementing partners with easy access to essential risk information.
Research briefs
Jointly produced by the Government of the Republic of Marshall Islands and the World Bank, this report provides alarming visual projections and adaptation options to assist the country amid rising sea levels and inundation in the next century.
World Bank, the
Large parts of Pacific country’s capital would be permanently flooded and islands would disappear, according to new projections
Guardian, the (UK)

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