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Documents and publications
Τηis study details an exploratory investigation into the socioeconomic and environmental constructs of rural high flood-risk communities to identify capacities that may be enhanced.
Documents and publications
In this study, the authors investigate (i) human migration flows and the influence of climate hazards on these flows and (ii) the benefits and dis-benefits of migration in supporting climate change adaptation.
How can social protection systems be leveraged for anticipatory action?
Documents and publications
Examines existing social protection systems in hazard-prone countries to collect lessons learned and recommendations on how social protection systems could be best used to inform or implement anticipatory action.
Documents and publications
This report takes stock of Adaptive Social Protection (ASP) in four of the five SACU (Southern Africa Customs Union) countries and provides targeted recommendations for each country’s development.
With $3 million in support, this consortium of universities launched by USAID will encourage innovations that help humanitarian organizations and communities act early to respond to emergencies.
United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
Coverpage of "Lessons from mainstreaming climate change in Namibia"
Documents and publications
This inside story recounts the lessons learned over seven years of producing knowledge and robust evidence on climate impacts to influence decision-making and implementation of climate action (from 2014-2021).
Cover of the publication
Documents and publications
This profile is part of a series of Climate Risk Country Profiles developed by the World Bank Group.
Documents and publications

Drawing from seven case studies – Chile, Italy, Japan, Namibia, New Zealand, Turkey and the United States – this joint OECD‑FAO report argues for a new approach to building resilience to NHID in agriculture. Natural hazard‑induced disasters (NHID), such

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