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Documents and publications
The report presents findings from Practical Action's commissioned assessment to better understand the impact of our people-centred early warning system (EWS) programming in Nepal and Peru.
Lima, Peru along the coast also known as Circuito de Playas de la Costa Verde at a golden hour sunset
The passage of El Niño Costero (coastal El Niño) at the beginning of the year in Peru brought with it heavy rains and floods in the north of the country, with the greatest impact in Tumbes, Lambayeque and Piura.
Connecting Business initiative
A group of multietnic students celebrating their graduation by throwing caps in the air closeup.
Research briefs
Experiencing traumatic events such as disasters may have long-term consequences for the academic progress and future food security of youth. A problem which could worsen with the increased frequency of extreme weather events due to climate change.
Pennsylvania State University
Documents and publications
This research aims to analyze the role of ancestral Andean practices in building community resilience in settlements exposed to volcanic risk.
This year’s edition, ‘the Climate Edit’, launched in December 2022 and received 79 applications from 44 countries across 6 continents in a push to expand the evidence base on the intersection between climate change and infectious diseases.
Global Institute for Disease Elimination
Forested mountain slopes, Banten, Indonesia
Research briefs
An article published in the International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction discusses Amazon Rainforest wildfire governance with local community participation in the tri-national border region between Peru, North Brazil, and Pando in Bolivia.
São Paulo Research Foundation (Agência FAPESP)
Cover Ecological Economics
Documents and publications
This paper evaluates an ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction (Eco-DRR), an afforestation effort, Boca de Sapo (hereafter, BdS), in a marginalized community in peri-urban Lima where the researchers perform household surveys and key informant interviews.
Documents and publications
This study analyses international financial flows to nine countries for the 18 months after recent crises—drought, flood, cyclone, earthquake, and epidemic.

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