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Documents and publications
This regional synthesis report identifies common and divergent patterns of climate displacement as well as barriers to education for climate displaced persons in several countries in South-Eastern Europe.
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Documents and publications
This scoping study has been developed to enable better understanding of the Serbian national context, in terms of the institutional, policy and legal framework and reveal the key challenges for the application of Nature-Based Solutions.
Case Studies on Institutional Arrangements for Recovery
Documents and publications
These case studies describe institutional structures, legal frameworks, and management lessons gleaned from practical experience, providing recovery leaders with insights suited to their context, disaster scenarios, and institutional landscapes.
Cover page of the article
Documents and publications
Starting from the unexplored level of the fire safety of citizens in Serbia, this paper presents the results of quantitative research regarding a fire safety behavior model for residential buildings in Serbia.
A farm house on hilly farm land in Serbia.
Serbia and North Macedonia, two Balkan countries situated in Southeast Europe, are strongly affected by extreme weather events. Over the last years, excess rainfall, long-lasting precipitation periods and snowmelt have caused unprecedented floods.
InsuResilience Global Partnership
Whether the culprit is water itself as the destructive force of nature, lack of time, warning inefficiency, or the human factor, water is neither bad nor good. Or is it good and bad at the same time? Water under control, in balance; this is the answer.
First page
Documents and publications
The aim of this quantitative research is to determine the perception and actual knowledge of secondary school students in the Belgrade region with respect to earthquakes as a natural disaster and security threat, and to identify the factors that influence their knowledge and perceptions.
Documents and publications
This article presents the results of a qualitative study of household earthquake and community-level preparedness in Serbia and its relationship to various demographic factors.

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