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Like many small islands, the Seychelles are vulnerable to the effects of climate change.
Seychelles is considered the most vaccinated country, yet Covid-19 cases have surged with 37% of new active cases and 20% of hospital cases being fully vaccinated.
Conversation Media Group, the
Documents and publications

The purpose of this paper is to complement the overwhelming focus on external partners in existing studies of capacity development for disaster risk reduction (DRR) or climate change adaptation (CCA), by exploring the perspectives of internal partners on

Documents and publications

This study aims to present the legal aspects related to involving various national and international disaster management stakeholders in the countries where the Indian Ocean Regional Intervention Platform (PIROI) operates. As such, the study selected

Documents and publications

This study was conducted by BMT Australia with financial support from the GFDRR with the objective of developing strategies for large scale coral reef restoration for coastal resilience in Seychelles. It identifies 15 locations on the three main islands

South West Indian Ocean countries have launched a new five-year project to improve operational forecasting and multi-hazard early warning systems.
World Meteorological Organization (WMO)
Documents and publications

Societal Impact Statement

Ecosystem‐based adaptation (EbA) is increasingly being used to reduce the impacts of climate change on vulnerable people and landscapes. The international EbA South project implemented EbA interventions across three countries

Aerial view of coastline of the Seychelles.
EbA South is a flagship initiative for South-South cooperation, enabling technology transfer, capacity-building, policy support or fundraising.
United Nations Environment Programme

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