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Bangkok residents navigate heavy floods by boat
An assessment of water-related climate change adaptation initiatives in Thailand has found that living weirs and re-establishing floodplains can reduce the vulnerability of communities and ecosystems, alongside a range of other benefits.
United Nations Environment Programme
South-East Asia is among the regions most vulnerable to the effects of climate change, where rising sea levels and intensifying natural hazards affect millions of people in densely populated areas and coastal zones.
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization - Headquarters
Research briefs
Despite their importance to global diets, the vulnerability of aquatic foods to environmental change has been vastly understudied, with the US, China and Thailand most at risk overall
University of California, Santa Barbara
Local government officials during a training about MCR2030
Thailand has made considerable progress towards improving urban resilience through the ‘Making Cities Resilient 2030’ (MCR2030) initiative, a collaborative effort involving the United Nations, local governments, academia and other partners.
United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction - Regional Office for Asia and Pacific
Thai authorities on Saturday warned residents across large swathes of country, including the capital Bangkok, to avoid going outdoors due to extreme heat.
Thomson Reuters
Smiling children in India
Children in Thailand are at high risk from climate change, according to a new study released today by UNICEF and conducted by Thailand Development Research Institute.
United Nations Children's Fund (Global Headquarters, New York)
Actively engaging women in decision-making processes on climate action is important. Building this groundwork started ten years ago, at COP18, where nations agreed to improve women’s participation in international climate policymaking.
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
Documents and publications
This study aimed to investigate the extent of hospital evacuation preparedness in Thailand, using the main elements of the flexible surge capacity concept.

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