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Turkmenistan IWG for DRR
Press release
With the support of the European Union, the Government of Turkmenistan and the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR) convened a high-level meeting with the members of the newly established Interagency Working Group for Disaster Risk Reduction.
United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction - Regional Office for Europe & Central Asia
This is the cover of the publication.
Documents and publications
This study provides a review of infectious disease risk financing schemes to draw lessons and recommend solutions for the Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation (CAREC) member countries.
Policies and plans
The National Strategy of Turkmenistan on Climate Change represents the national vision of climate change issues and is the basis for the development and implementation of Turkmenistan's state policy on climate change and its consequences.
Documents and publications

This profile is intended to serve as public goods to facilitate upstream country diagnostics, policy dialogue, and strategic planning by providing comprehensive overviews of trends and projected changes in key climate parameters, sector-specific

Within the framework of a joint project, a two-week online training on engineering survey of buildings is conducted for specialists from Turkmenistan.
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
Documents and publications

This atlas offers insights into the work of the national hydrometeorological services and the global networks that contribute to the information on our screens.

By providing easy-to-understand overviews of the weather and climate in the Central Asia

Documents and publications

This publication on Central Asia provides visual information on current global and regional climate change impacts and areas of concerns, reports on greenhouse gas emission sources and trends, and presents the regional and country efforts to transition to

Arakelyan Andrey/Shutterstock
Natural disasters affect close to 3 million Central Asians annually, almost half of whom live in Uzbekistan.
World Bank, the

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