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Local government workers and members of the national police distribute relief goods to residents.
Local governments need a combination of strategic policy reforms and capacity building to effectively perform disaster risk reduction and management functions.
Asian Development Bank (ADB)
Eight farmers from Bangladesh walking across a rice field carrying big baskets on their heads and shoulders.
Severe heat in Bangladesh has exposed critical food security challenges, affecting everything from fruit production to paddy and poultry farming.
Dialogue Earth
Documents and publications
This study presents an overview of the Fund’s experience and lessons learned from addressing climate change adaptation and strengthening long-term resilience to climate change in fragile and conflict-afflicted countries.
Bangladesh's capital, one of the world's most congested and polluted mega-cities, is home to around 10 million people, including thousands who have fled floods and droughts in other parts of a country that is on the frontline of climate change.
Landslide-affected road
Research briefs
A new paper uses examples from South Korea to highlight the growing risk from debris flows in urban environments
Eos - AGU
The Philippine island of Palawan — considered a stable part of the seismically active country — was recently shaken by two earthquakes in two days, highlighting the need to reassess seismic hazards.
Documents and publications
This study provides a high-resolution cartographic product of compound hazard from TC-induced extremes over the entire India, highlighting regional heterogeneity and aiding targeted national-level risk mitigation and adaptation planning.
Documents and publications
To gain a deeper understanding of the role of CDRFI in the Asia-Pacific region, WFP undertook a study to explore the challenges and opportunities associated with the use of various macro-level instruments to support government disaster response.

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