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Buddhist stupas in Jomolhari base trekking, Paro Bhutan.
Pema Wangmo, who, with the help of her community, worked to restore greenhouses destroyed by climate change-induced snow fall. This is the fifth of the “Voices from the Frontline (Phase III)” stories by GRP and ICCCAD supported by Irish Aid.
Global Resilience Partnership
Hurricane Florence as photographed from space
Research briefs
Communities in Bangladesh, Bhutan, and Mongolia, where conventional ground-based telecommunication systems have limited reach, are prone to disruption during extreme disaster events, and warning information is often unclear, distorted, or delayed.
PhysOrg, Omicron Technology Ltd
Emergency Management Science and Technology (MAP)
In Bhutan, water plays a crucial role in the economy and society, with the country heavily reliant on its water resources for agriculture, hydropower generation, and drinking water.
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
Documents and publications
Using lessons from applying the InSAR method to landslide-prone areas in India, Bhutan, and Nepal, this report highlights a blueprint of the hazard planning that can be very effective for roads in hilly areas across the region.
Mt. Manaslu in Himalayas, Nepal.
Exceeding a 1.5C rise in global temperature imperils already vulnerable Hindu Kush Himalayan region, experts say after IPCC synthesis report, as UN chief demands more from G20 countries
The Third Pole
Documents and publications
The publication discusses how decentralized governance provides opportunities to improve delivery of public goods and services needed for resilience building and give poor and vulnerable people a voice in identifying and implementing adaptation measures.
The Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery (GFDRR), a multi-donor partnership hosted by the World Bank, has known for years how important it is to adopt a more proactive approach to disaster risk management.
World Bank, the
Preventing glacial lake outburst floods in the Third Pole, a look at action in Bhutan, Nepal, and Pakistan
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

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