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Documents and publications

This report aims to contribute to a better understanding of the impact of disasters in the Arab states. The study provides an assessment, interpretation and visualization of ten national disaster loss databases from the region (i.e.: Comoros, Djibouti

Documents and publications

This paper synthesizes the consultations held at the regional, national and local levels throughout the Arab region on the post-2015 framework for disaster risk reduction, the successor of the Hyogo Framework for Action. This report include the outcomes

Implementing the Hyogo Framework for Action in the Arab Region - Regional Synthesis Report 2005–2015
Documents and publications

This report seeks to measure progress in the Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA) implementation in the Arab Region by synthesizing the outcomes of the HFA national progress reports submitted in the period 2005-2015 by 15 Arab countries.

The main goal of

Documents and publications

This paper discusses the underlying concepts of drought, the principles and objectives of national drought policies and a drought planning process that has been effective in the preparation of drought mitigation plans. It provides a template for action

La Ministre déléguée chargée de l’Environnement, a conclu sa déclaration par l’annonce officielle de la candidature du Maroc pour abriter la 22ème Conférence des Nations Unies sur le changement climatique, qui aura lieu en décembre 2016...
Morocco - government
'Climate funds have broken new ground by helping developing countries tackle climate. The new Green Climate Fund, armed with nearly $10 billion, has a great opportunity to reduce emissions and support resilience to climate change. But more funds need to be raised to tackle this growing threat and ensure that poor countries support a new climate deal'...
Overseas Development Institute
Documents and publications

This study provides an overview on disasters and conflicts in 57 Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) member countries during the last four decades, including a review of disaster risk reduction strategies from The Yokohama Strategy to the Hyogo

Dans ces régions du sud du Maroc, considérées comme désertiques, les inondations constituent un réel danger à cause des nombreux oueds dormants qui les traversent et en l'absence d'une infrastructure adéquate et suffisante à même de protéger la population des crues soudaines...
Jeune Afrique

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