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Le Maroc a appelé, lundi devant une réunion de l'ONU à Genève, les parties prenantes à faire davantage pour une résilience durable, inclusive et transparente des pays en développement (PED) face aux risques des catastrophes, selon Le Matin...
Le Matin
The Second Preparatory Committee for the Third United Nations World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction this afternoon concluded its two-day session with agreement to hold open-ended negotiations on the first draft of the post-2015 framework for disaster risk reduction in Geneva in December and January...
United Nations - Headquarters
In the discussion that followed on considerations on the post-2015 framework for disaster risk reduction, speakers noted that the zero draft needed to reflect a clear differentiation between developed and developing countries and the linkage between disasters, the climate change issues, and the post 2015 development agenda...
United Nations - Headquarters
by WorldBank
Countries in MENA have decided to change their approach to so-called natural disasters, understanding the benefits of being prepared for the weather or geological risks, rather than waiting for such events to strike and putting the pieces back together again...
World Bank, the
Documents and publications

This report aims to support the Government of Morocco in the development of an integrated risk management strategy. The report summarizes methodologies, data, assumptions, results, comparative analyses, international benchmarks and other aspects of

'Although the institutionalisation of disaster risk reduction has been high on the agenda of many African countries, there are still inadequate budgetary commitments for the integration of disaster risk reduction measures in typical government line functions and ministries,' Animesh Kumar, UNISDR Africa programme officer tells SciDev.Net. Kumar highlights some successes such as early warning and DRR curricula, while calling for improved action post-2015...
Science and Development Network
Globally, weather-related losses and damage have risen from an average of about $50 billion a year in the 1980s to close to $200 billion a year over the last decade, making climate-resilient and disaster-resilient development critical. In the poorest countries, climate change will increase the cost of development by 25 to 30 percent...
World Bank, the
The Mayor of Johannesburg, South Africa, Mr Mpho Franklyn Parks, said community-based solutions for localised emergencies were vital.
The World’s biggest forum of local leaders has called for sustainable urban development to be integral to the post-2015 development agenda. The Rabat Declaration at the conclusion of the Fourth United Cities and Local Governments Congress stated: “The new (post-2015) agenda should include specific goals for Sustainable Urban Development.” The Declaration also emphasized the importance of inclusion and a local focus. “The right to the city, inclusion, equality, access to essential services, decent work, adequate housing, culture, and a balanced environment are essential elements in the sustainable future for all.
United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR)

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