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Documents and publications

The United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) plays a key role in the world’s efforts to eradicate poverty, achieve sustainable development and reach the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). It is the only internationally recognized

Documents and publications

A fully illustrated book Real Risk offers perspectives, case studies and analysis on disaster risk reduction and mitigation in the light of major natural disasters that have occurred since the publication of Know Risk in early 2005. It brings together the

Documents and publications

In this volume, scholars from around the region analyse the impacts of globalization on cities in the Asia Pacifc. This collection of essays forms a useful, comprehensive, and ambitious study, focusing on the region’s specific urban concerns and on

Documents and publications
This Media Kit has been developed as a guide for media professionals in five Southeast Asian countries (Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Timor Léste and Vietnam) to raise the awareness of media professionals about their role in disaster risk reduction.
Documents and publications

Good practices and lessons learned, a publication of the “Global network of NGOs” for disaster risk reduction.

This publication is a joint effort of the Global Network of NGOs for Disaster Risk Reduction, an emerging network of national and international

Documents and publications

The study taking the 2002 food crisis in Malawi as its context and using evidence up to 2001: reassesses the economic consequences in Malawi and Southern Africa more generally of climatic variability in the light of experience such as the El Nino event in

Documents and publications

Recent droughts in Africa and elsewhere in the world, from China to Peru, have serious implications for food security and grave consequences for local and international politics. The issues do not just concern the plight of African peoples, but also our

Documents and publications

The publication informs about people in India and Bangladesh. It reports on women who form savings groups, youths who plant coconut palms that offer protection during cyclones, children who give first aid.

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