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Among the topics to be discussed are the reduction of vulnerability to floods through sustainable land use management, integrated land and water management - lessons from the Limpopo River Basin, climate change adaptation in Africa, environment and land use change and climate change and disasters...
New Era Publications Corporation
'The role of community radio in disaster risk reduction in Namibia is a fitting departure point for training and educating our society,' said Julia Shakongo, mayor of Eenhana, at a two-day workshop on the role of community radio and disaster risk reduction last week...
New Era Publications Corporation
Deputy PM Dr Libertina Amathila stressed that local, regional and central administrative structures should recognize disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation, as part of development activities, which she said are are interlinked and should be taken seriously...
New Era Publications Corporation
Photo by Flickr user got80s / Brad, Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 2.0 Generic
UNV volunteers advocate to enhance efforts to integrate practices, tools and systems for climate risk assessment and to build management and disaster risk reduction strategies into national policies and programmes...
United Nations Volunteers
'There will be some mechanism that would be put in place to address the issues of extreme weather patterns', said Prime Minister Nahas Angula on the sidelines of the World Climate Change summit taking place in Copenhagen...
Namibian, the
Floods 2009 Namibia Post Disaster Needs Assessment (PDNA)
Documents and publications
This Post Disaster Needs Assessment (PDNA) assesses damage and losses incurred as a result of 2009 floods, and provides an assessment of recovery and reconstruction options that could provide resilience to future events such as droughts and floods.
Policies and plans
The primary responsibility for disaster risk management in Namibia rests with the government. The first Principle of State Policy, Article 95 of the Constitution of the Republic of Namibia, requires the state to actively promote the welfare of its people.
The Namibian news agency the New Era highlights the need for Namibia to mainstream disaster risk management in its national development plans if the country is to minimize reverse effects that disasters such as floods have on efforts to achieve Vision 2030...
New Era Publications Corporation

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