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The Rim community resolved to support efforts in building the preparedness of member states in dealing with disasters in the region — an area regularly devastated by cyclones, monsoon floods and other natural disasters...
Oman Daily Observer
Documents and publications

The report is divided into two sections: (i) adaptation planning guidebooks and frameworks, and (ii) adaptation planning efforts that are currently underway. This introductory survey report is designed to provide a “road map” to some of this information

'Despite these occasional problems, Exercise IOWave11 has achieved its goal of evaluating the state of readiness of the Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System in responding to a potentially destructive tsunami,' said Wendy Watson-Wright, Executive Secretary of UNESCO-IOC...
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization - Headquarters
Almost seven years after the devastating tsunami of 2004, more than 20 nations will participate on 12 October in a full-scale exercise to test the Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System...
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization - Headquarters
by Flickr user williamcho / William Cho, Creative Commons BY-SA 2.0,
Today Online reports that Singapore's Deputy Prime Minister Teo Chee Hean has highlighted terrorism, cyber attacks, 'natural' disasters and pandemics as key threats businesses must guard against...
Today, Mediacorp Press Ltd.
by Flickr user Cimexus, Creative Commons BY-ND 2.0,
APEC echoes the need for emergency preparedness to ensure the economic vitality of the Asia-Pacific region and reminds Member states that 'the first line of defense of disaster management lies in preparedness and training.'...
Continuity Central, Portal Publishing Ltd
ASEAN must identify where the sources of money for climate change adaptation and mitigation measures in developing countries will come from, report Shalimar Vitan and Zelda Soriano for AlertNet...
Thomson Reuters Foundation,
photo by flickr user Kordian, Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic  (CC BY-SA 2.0),
ASEAN finance ministers agreed Friday to speed up regional integration and pledged to press ahead with plans for a disaster insurance fund in the wake of Japan's tsunami disaster...
Today, Mediacorp Press Ltd.

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